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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  October 17, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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should have put a ring on it &&. >> reporter: beyonce will perform during next year's super bowl. the game is set for february 3rd in new orleans. there is speculation that her husband, jay-z could make a surprise appearance. >> not a big surprise. >> maybe. plenty ahead. fox 5 morning news continues right now. right now. happy wednesday, october 17th. hump day, live look outside right now at the u.s. capitol dome. tucker guaranteed there would be no rain yesterday and he was 100% right. good morning to you. i'm wisdom martin. >> i'm sarah simmons. let's see if he can guarantee it again today. >> going for two in a row. going to be dry today. today will be even nicer and warmer than yesterday. >> all right. by afternoon, we'll be near
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70. there is a live look at the satellite picture. we've got a few clouds streaming through but no rainfall associated with it. and it should quickly push off to the east and to the north. i think we'll be generally dealing with sunshine today just like yesterday and with a bit of a suggested early breeze today. a little bit warmer conditions later today than what we had around here yesterday. it is cool right now. cold in spots. right now, at reagan national, it is 49 degrees. 49 at reagan national as we switch maps. 49degrees. 39 out at dulles. bw incident marshall, 43 degrees. definitely a jacket here for the first part of the day. by this afternoon with lots of sunshine, we should warm into the upper 60s to about 70. we'll go 70 here in washington. # in quantico. 67 in manassas. a nice afternoon. >> -- 68 in quantico. -- bwi marshall, 43 degrees. you are at speed continuing
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southbound past the d.c. line headed out towards eastern. inbound new york avenue nice and clear leaving northeast to northwest. travel southbound along 270, no problems to report headed out towards the scales. volume increasing but that is about t south stretch of the beltway, you are still in good shape between college park and bethesda. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. -timetraffic. a heated debate last night between president obama and governor romney. >> they clashed several times and accused each other of not telling the truth about the other. fox 5's melanie alnwick following the latest now live in the newsroom. >> reporter: good morning. both president obama and governor romney gave supporter exactly what they were look, for an in your face, no holds barred verbal bout. the president much more confrontational than during his last performance. candidates in this looser town style format were able it stand and walk around while answering questions. at times, it and they were circling each other before going in no a verbal attack. both men shared a number ever
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heated exchanges challenging each other on a number of issues like energy policy, immigration, libya and, of course, the economy and job creation. analysts say president obama showed up reenergized and relentless in criticizing mitt romney and that governor romney gave as good as he got. >> sioux looked at your pension? >> i've got to stay -- >> have you looked at your pension. >> i don't look at my pension. it is not as big as yours. it doesn't take as long. i don't check it that often. >> look at your pension. you also have investments in chinese companies. >> reporter: the race for the white house is in a near dead heat. last night's event may not help either candidate as many voter have already made up that you are minds. the third and final debate is set to take place next monday in boca raton, florida. the main topic will be foreign policy. president obama is heading to two events in iowa and another
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in ohio. mitt romney has two appearances in virginia. he is down in chesapeake this afternoon and comes up to leesburg later tonight. all this last minute maneuvering is lost for millions of americans because they have already voted. we want to get to some of the comments on our facebook fan page. jean writes, i think mr. obama did a lot better. mr.romney wasn't very forthcoming in his answers. my minding finally made up. >> run said i do not like the y the country is progressing. i am ready for i change. don't know where it can happen with either candidate. we'll also be using some of your tweets and facebook comments for a new show that is debuting as election day approaches. it will focus on local and national candidates and issues during the final two weeks of
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the campaign. it all starts next monday at 6:30:00 p.m. right here on fox 5. new this morning, u.s. army private first class bradley manning will face a judge today at fort meade in maryland for charges faces of aiding the enemy. manning was arrested back in 2010 and is accused of providing classified documents to wikileaks. the plan to have full wireless access on metro has been delayed once againen metro was supposed to have the project complete this week but the "washington post" reports metro has requested an extension to 2015. right now, metro offers wireless service at 20 of its stations. also new this morning, police in montgomery county are searching for a suspect in a double shooting from yesterday
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evening. police responded to the golden china restaurant in the 12000 block of old columbia pike in silver spring around 7:00 p.m. police found the men about two miles down the road. both are expected to survive. the police now trying to figure out where the shooting actually occurred. those two virginia men rescued after being stranded for days in montana were well prepared for the wintry conditions. jason hiser and neal peckens were hiking in glacier national park last week. the two men fell down a steep incline and became lost. park ranger say they had the right equipment and hiking experience to survive the conditions. they rationed food and collected firewood and tried to attract help with a smoky fire and sos message made out of logs. the zumba prostitution scandal. back in the news. the much talked about client list is out but it is causing some confusion. we'll explain coming up next as we check more headlines. as governor, i cut five bilillion dollars in spendg
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and balanced the budget every year. and tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example. mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. we were a great team in richmond and we'll be a great team in washington. i'm tim kaine and i approve this message
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...because we'll work together to restore fiscal responsibility, grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. health officials in virginia are now reporting a second person in the state has died from fungal meningitis. there are 233 reported cases
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across 15 states. 35 are in virginia. 16 are in maryland. and the latest death in virginia brings the anational total to 15. yesterday, criminal investigators and the fda visited the new england compounding center investigation the contamination and its medication. a tennessee couple has filed a $15 million lawsuit against the compounding company. a group of victims from the summer shooting at a colorado movie theater are suing the theater and the surrounding mall. their lawyer says the theater was aware of the possibility of violence but nailed to have an alarm system in place -- but failed to have an alarm system in place. he claims that made it easy for james holmes to access an exit door and get his guns. the release of names of alleged customers in maine may be implicating people who share the same name. one man's name is on the john list but he insists he is not that paul main. main says he has nothing to do with the people accused of
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running a prostitution operation out of a zumba studio. >> the first and foremost thought was to get to my two sons and daughter and let them know it wasn't me. i do know those people who watch the news, who are interested in what goes on in their communities and those people that know me, they'll know the real truth. >> he says investigators should have listed the ages of those people. i've heard that before. >> if you have a common name, you could be in some trouble. >> john smith. >> john smith. joe johnson, anything like that. trying to explain it is really not me. when become back, we'll talk about two police officers accused of beating a college
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student with a baton. the trial is under way. >> the latest details expected to unfold in court today. >> we've got cool temperatures across the area. falling back into the 30s and low 40s to start your day. what will your wednesday have? store? i'll have your weather. julie wright will have your traffic coming up after the break.
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in the last four years, you cut permits and licenses on federal land and federal waters in half. >> not true, governor romney. >> how much did you cut them
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by? >> not true. >> how much did you cut them by? >> we have actually produced more oil. >> how much did you cut license and permits. >> here what we did. >> i had a question. >> do you want me to answer the question? i'm happy to answer the question. >> sparks during last night's presidential debates. in that testy e change there, president obama and governor mitt romney went at it over oil drilling permits. >> things got heated. the gloves are off now. the fox 5 news edge you decide 2012 will focus on both local and national candidates and issues during the final two weeks of the campaign. it starts next monday at 6:30:00 p.m. right here on fox 5. >> what's happening to my tmz. >> i know. we'll have to find out. we'll get the answer for you. >> don't worry you still have
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dish nation. calm down. >> not quite the same, wisdom. >> he loves his tmz. >> he loves dish nation even more. >> i get to talk to dax once a week. >> you got that thing going on. >> we're nice and cool out there to start your day. temperatures overnight have fallen into the 30s across much of the region. definitely jacket weather here for the next couple of hours. for the scene of the accident several hours, we'll be slow to warm up this morning. once we do, should be a really nice afternoon. 49 in washington. 45 in quantico. look at the 30s breaking out. frederick and winchester down to 36. very cool temperatures. cool temperatures to start your day but a nice mild afternoon with highs expected to get close, awfully close to 70 degrees. upper 60s to about 70. a little warmer than yesterday. a few clouds rolling through at the moment. not perfectly clear. that is actually holding the temperature up a little bit. but out to the west, we don't have a whole lot going on. the rain showers you see out in ohio, they are going to push up into the great lakes and up
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into canada. won't be impacting us. our next weather maker, a cold front that won't get in here until late in the day tomorrow. here is your forecast for today. area of high pressure that is keeping us nice and cool right now will push to the east later today. we'll get a bit of a southerly wind so that will help the temperatures warm up. not sure we'll be into the 70s. by late in the day tomorrow, really tomorrow night, we'll get a quick hit of rain shower activity. maybe some thunderstorms around here tomorrow night into early friday. and then we'll clear it out for most of the day on friday and the weekend right now looking greet. a little cooler this weekend. a lot of sunshine expected. nice looking forecast. 07 today. mostly sunny skies. mild afternoon for you. there are your winds out of the south at about five to 10. later tonight, partly cool overnight. 51degrees. most of your day tomorrow should be nice and dry. late in the day, at night, i really think is the best chance for shower and thunderstorm activity. look how quickly it is out of here. by early friday, back into the sunshine. most of friday, just fine. highs about 70.
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saturday and sunday, sunshine and in the mid-60s. love this time of year. let's get the latest from julie wright and found out what she is up to this morning. how is it going? >> not a lot happening right now t on the roads. you will find lighter than usual traffic volume on the top stretch of the beltway to accompany your commute headed past colesville road. down in la plata, that is where we have accident activity in charles county. la plata road at piney church. roadway blocked off. follow police direction in order to work your way around. northbound 395 in both the express lanes appear main line, traffic flowing freely headed northbound continuing out towards the 14th street bridge. you will find yourself at speed eastbound along 66 coming inbound from fair oaks towards vienna. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. the defense could begin presenting its case today in the trial of two prince george's county police officers accused of assaulting a university ever maryland student in 2010. now, tuesday, the state called
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four police officers including two from internal affairs to testify about the investigation and the behavior of the accused officers. fox 5's paul wagner has the story. >> reporter: two ever the officers who arrested john mckenna in the minutes after he was struck by a shield and riot batons testified for the prosecution today. victor dobro told the court he did not hear the striking officers, reg natural peaker, and james harrison, make any commands for mckenna to show these hands or even get on the grounds before pushing him up against the wall. another officer, sergeant dexter mckinney, told the court he got a phone call from baker after this video was made public. mckinney said baker apologized to him saying he was remorseful, sorry it happened and not proud. but on cross-examination, defense attorney william
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brennan asked mckinney what baker was sorry for. harrison said he was only a witness and not one of the striking officers. the next day wall said harrison called him back wanting to know what equipment to turn in feeling his suspension was imminent. the state's last witness was and he can per in the use of force. rea tiered maryland state trooper who told the court in his opinion baker and harrison used excessive force against john mckenna noting the maryland student was not aggressive and kept his hands up when the police approached. mckenna was arrested last night but all charges were dropped. today, the prosecution will have some follow-up questions for an expert witness, a retired maryland state trooper, about the proper use of a police baton. the defense will then get the case. d.c. councilman david
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catania introduced some emergency legislation that would require more transparency. it would require the cfo give the results of all internal audits. this cops after the city's chief tax appraiser resigned this week under fire for lowering commercial property tax assessments apparently without cause. >> i think they've been burying bad news. i think he has an oio, this office of internal investigations that, will conduct these internal reviews of policies and procedures and when they see things that may or may not be what they want the public to see, they just don't move them. they don't finalize it. >> questions have also been raised about information on the now farmer chief tax appraiser's resume. his hiring is considered another saint on the internal workings of the cfo's office. changes under way in georgetown. businesses coming and going. >> including some discount stores in the works. we'll get i full report on that coming up next. stay with us -- we'll get a
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full report on that coming up next. stay with us. paid 14% in federal taxes, is that fair to the guy higher rate than you did? romney: "yeah, encourage economic growth." us. is that the way to grow america? this message. maryland schools are number one in america because
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we invest in them. but we can do even more. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million dollars at casinos in other states. question 7 keeps that maryland money in maryland through expansion of gaming in maryland. it will mean hundreds of millions of dollars for our schools. as governor, i can promise you, that money will go to education. that's the law and that's what we'll do. vote for question seven. take away his toys and he'll play with a stick.
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take away their bikes and they'll still find a way to get where they're going. but if take you away early childhood education... slash k-12 funding... and cut college aid for middle class families ... they won't go far. yet that's exactly what mitt romney wants to do... pay for a $250,000 tax break for multi-millionaires. if mitt romney wins, the middle class loses. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. welcome back to fox 5 morning news. we are starting with a live look outside at the u.s. capitol dome. chilly right now. tucker says it is going to warm up. we'll talk to him at some point later on in the show. let's talk about what is happening right now in our area as far as news is concerned. 495 express lanes are in the final stages of construction and are set to open later on
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this year. they will offer drivers the option of paying a toll when traveling the beltway from springfield interchange to north of the dulles toll road with the idea that the express lanes will be less congested. the lanes will be free if you have three or more people in your vehicle. coming up on fox 5 morning news at 8:00, we'll be live inside the express lanes operations center giving you a sneak peek at how they are going to work and getting your questions answered as well. >> all right. be good to see that. when you think of georgetown, you probably think of light white table cloth restaurants and high end shopping. >> yeah, we really do sometimes. but some long-standing businesses are closing and we're told that there are even a few discount stores in the works. beth parker has the story. >> reporter: with the portrait of her grandfather over her shoulder, karen is running the family business. georgetown floor coverings opened almost 60 years ago and just like her grandfather, she is still showing off samples.
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>> so old-time georgetown in me wants smaller businesses here and families like my family to come in and have long-standing businesses that are here for years. >> reporter: but she understand times are changing. the familiar gold doors of georgetown park are behind chain link fence now. the company for the realty trust didn't respond to us but sources tell fox 5 among the new tenants are t. j. maxx, home goods and michael's. >> it is built on small establishments. if they come in to georgetown and respect our businesses as w can all work together to keep this community thriving. >> reporter: so there is know question about it. there are some empty storefronts in georgetown. that is one right become behind me and just two doors down, another empty store front. the people who work in this area say business us have come and gone and they will tell you
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the reasons vary. >> anybody that thinks because a restaurant or store front closes, there goes the neighborhood is missing the point. there are a thousand reasons why restaurants and businesses open and close all the time. >> reporter: for example, this famous restaurant is inside a a building that is under renovation. how is business? >> quite good, thank you. george up two is charming. it really has a marriage of a historic community, cobblestone streets, brick-lined sidewalks with new businesses. >> reporter: in other words, don't count georgetown out. in washington, beth parker, fox 5 news. >> yeah. it will be interesting to see some of those come in. especially with the economy being the way it's been, some people might want to have easier access to that. >> you also want to talk about parking. because one of the things that keeps some people away from georgetown is parking. it is kind of hectic down there. >> yeah, it is. >> you want to spend some money
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but air like i don't want to be bothered going down there. >> we'll seat changes happening in georgetown. coming up, a dangerous and not so smart stunt captured on video and it is going viral. >> ahead in about 14 minutes, we'll show you the close call what i girl did something really foolish on a fast-moving train. coming up next, all of our top stories plus weather and traffic. stay with us. we'll be right back. alright let's break it down.
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mom, pop it. ♪ two inches apart, becky. two inches. t-minus nine minutes.
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[ ding ] [ female announcer ] pillsbury cinnamon rolls. let the making begin. ♪ too bad the guys aren't here we're clear. ok, swarm! swarm! hello [ female announcer ] pillsbury chocolate chip cookies. let the making begin
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welcome back on this wednesday, october 17th. taking a live look outside right now. temperatures not too bad out there. it's fall. it feels like a fall day. >> it does. a light jacket. >> but i must admit i didn't turn the heat on in the house. but on the way to work, i turned on the heat and the seat warmers. >> i did. >> did you have your heat on in the house? >> no. >> in the car? iturned my seat warmer on. we got a lot of details going on. >> i don't think anybody really cares. >> let's get right to it. >> we'll talk among ourselves over here. >> exactly. there you go. not much happening at the
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moment and nothing will be handing later today. we do have a few clouds moving through. sunrise is not no another close to two hours. it is getting up awfully late. we should be in for a nice day. lots of sunshine expected and slightly warmer temperatures than yesterday. yesterday, our daytime highs were in the mid-60s. today, about 70 degrees for a daytime high. current temperature at reagan national, it is cool. 49degrees. check out your regional temperatures. just to the north and west, places like dulles, gaithersburg, in the 30s at this hour. we do have cool air overhead. slightly warmer air will start to get in here later tonight and a little warmer air up ahead of the next front. 70 your daytime high. another dry day. i guarantee it. >> another guarantee. two days in a row. >> two days in a row. >> we love that. >> thank you, tucker. >> time for on-time traffic with julie wright. >> i heard you talking about the seat warmers. >> that's right. >> we know yours have been on
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six like july. >> she never turns hers off. >> sometimes i look over at the dog and the dog is panting. i'm like what's wrong with the dog. i realize the seat warmer is on. talk about a hot dog. there you go. eastbound along 66, no trouble spots to report coming inbound from fair oaks headed in towards the capital beltway. traffic is flowing freely at the wilson bridge. outer loop of the beltway, head over towards 270, traffic volume reported here, no problems reported southbound on 95 or 295. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. on-timetraffic. a fiery debate in new york last night. and according to snap polls taken right after the debate, president barack obama has a slim lead over governor mitt romney. >> they sparred over everything from taxes to libya.
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melanie alnwick has more. she is live in the newsroom with an update. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the looser town hall style format got the candidates out from behind the podiums and practically in each other's faces as they sparred on a wide range of issues. >> governor romney has a one- point plan. that plan is to make sure that folks at the top play by a different set of riles. >> reporter: the president entered this second debate clearly more fired up than two weeks ago. romney kept up the offensive too repeatedly arguing the president's first term speaks for itself. >> he hasn't been able to cut the deficit, to put in place reforms for medicare and social security, to preserve them, to get us the rising incomes we need. >> reporter: this debate round was town hall style at hofstra university with an open stage, the two directly squared off, often in tense and testy exchanges. >> hold on a second.
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>> things got especially heated over the deadly tax in libya. romney criticized the administration's response to requests for a digsal security. >> whether that was some misleading or we didn't know what happened. i think you have to ask yourself, why didn't we know. >> a visibly angry president shot back. >> the suggestion that anybody into n. my team would play politics or mislead whether we've lost four of our own, governor, is offensive. that is not what we do. >> reporter: and of course, north candidate has had the last word yet on the libya issue. there is one last debate to go in boca raton, florida and the focus on that is foreign policy. you've sounded off about the debate on our facebook fan pages. danielle writes president obama is doing everything in his power to fix the economy but it will take more than four years to get it back in order. if you don't vote, don't complain. christy posted saying people
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should read the fact check reports about the debate. you might be surprised. i think it was a draw and romney keeps the edge. we will all be using some of your tweets and facebook posts for a new show debuting as election day approaches. fox 5 news emyou decide 2012 will focus on local and national candidates and issues during the final two weeks of the campaign. -- fox 5 news edge you decide 2012. there will be a hearing today for u.s. private army class bradley manning. he was charged with several counts including aiding the enemy a all of the charges carry a death penalty offense. the search for a suspect continues this morning for a shooting that left two men injured in silver spring last
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night. police were first called to the golden china restaurant on old columbia pike just after 7:00 p.m. the victims were found in a car two miles down the road. investigators are trying to figure out where the shooting actually happened. both victims are expected to survive. there is foolish and then there is really foolish. coming up next, a dangerous stunt captured on video. >> we'll show you what one girl did on a fast-moving train and how it led to a close call. >> first, let's take a check of the markets. a good day on wall street tuesday wrkt dow, -- with the dow, nasdaq and s&p all seeing 1% gains. [ female announcer ] as you're making your decision... maybe you're wondering what to believe about mitt romney. well, when it comes to protecting your access to birth control... and the basic women's health care services planned parenthood provides... one thing we must remember, is this:
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i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. [ female announcer ] he'll cut it off. cut us off. planned parenthood. we're going to get rid of that. [ female announcer ] women need to know the real mitt romney. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything.
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and balanced the budget every year. and tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example. mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. we were a great team in richmond and we'll be a great team in washington. i'm tim kaine and i approve this message ...because we'll work together to restore fiscal responsibility, grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcer ] tim kaine. bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow.
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health officials in virginia are now reporting a second person in the state has died from fungal meningitis. there are two 232 cases across 15 states. yesterday, criminal investigators and the fda visited the new england compounding center. a ten ten couple has filed a $15 million lawsuit again the compounding company. the captain of the cruise ship that ran aground off italy was in court and came face to
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face with survivors actually preliminary hearing was held yesterday in italy has the captain showed up to hear the charges in connection with the deaths. he says he accidentally tripped into a lifeboat when the cruise ship capsized last january. a dangerous stunt caught on camera. that young lady, as you just saw stuck her head out of a train window and narrowly missed being hit by an oncoming train. the youtube video shows the woman being encouraged to stick her head out of a moving train for a photo. she wasn't hurt. it is not clear where or when this video was shot. >> yeah, because she could have been killed. that is amazing. >> some things are just totally unnecessary. it makes absolutely zero sense. >> i -- i can't, that happens
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a lot. the coming up next, the royal auction featuring some historic items. we'll explain. >> plus we are checking traffic and weather. can we expect another fantastic fall day ahead? we'll see if we can get tucker barnes to guarantee that again. so far, he is perfect. he has had one in a row. >> let's not make his head too big. >> we'll have the answer coming up next. stay with us.
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if you are looking for a job right now, there is a career fair today at prince george's community college in largo. it is free and open to the public but organizers are just asking job seekers to register in advance. it starts at noon at the prince george's community college on largo road. all right. weather time. tucker barnes, mr. guarantee. >> only yesterday and today. not going to make this a regular thing. >> we can't make it too often. >> it won't be special if you do it all the time. >> today, i can pretty much guarantee a beautiful afternoon. lots of sunshine expected and let me mention a cool start for you today as our temperatures overnight have fallen back into the 40s here in town but look
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at all the 0s that are starting to break out to the west and north. we are getting into the mid-30s now in places like winchester. 36-degree. 49 here in washington. 45 this morning in quantico. 43 in leonardtown. so the entire area has cooled off overnight. 49 in annapolis. here are all your 30s north and west. it will be be a cool start to the day. i guess i'm he not telling you anything you don't already know. it will warm up a little later today. yesterday, our high temperatures are in the mid- 60s. today, we'll get closer to 70s. a little warmer than yesterday and still should be a lot of bright sunshine for your wednesday. should be a nice-looking day. got a little cloud cover to start your morning moving through the mid-atlantic but this will generally push out to sea and it won't be a perfectly sunny day but mostly sunny conditions expected. off to the north and west that, area of rain shower activity will scoot up into canada, not impact us. our next weather maker is a cold front which is well out to the west. by we'll out to the west, i mean it hasn't even developed yet. it will drop down towards st.
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louis today. hopefully, it won't impact the game later this afternoon. here we are at 5:00. here is st. louis and there is the rain shower activity. we'll see how close it gets. notice here in washington, this afternoon at 5:00, we look great. clear skies across the area. lots of sunshine. temperatures topping out near 70. this front will approach during the day tomorrow. i think most of tomorrow is dry but as we get into tomorrow night and early friday morning, we could have a period of showers and perhaps some thunderstorm activity as well. by early friday, right back into the sunshine and setting up for a nice weekend right now. 70 today. a little warmer than yesterday. wiptd out of the south at five to 10 this afternoon. after a cool start, should be a nice mild afternoon for you. we are guaranteeing the dry conditions for one more day. 5 # tonight, partly cloudy. most of tomorrow is dry. the clouds will increase later in the day. there could be some shower activity, maybe a thunderstorm particularly at night. weekend looks great. temperatures in the mid-60s but
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lots of sunshine. good-looking weekend ahead. that is weather. let's do some traffic and find out what julie is doing this weekend. >> the plan is to party so come on over. we're doing some pumpkin carving, some apple cider. you are more than welcome to come and enjoy the festivities. >> it sounds like fun. never seen me with a knife in my hand. hopefully nothing too spooky out here on the roads. we had accident activity southbound and that has cleared. wear told that all lanes are open but this is gridlocked. we have abeen watching this while tucker was doing weather and no one is moving. as this incident has cleared down to kenilworth avenue and the new york avenue split, i'm not sure why the traffic is not moving.
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but no one is getting by here. the bw parkway, the crash we had south of the beltway at 410, that has cleared. that is a better ride for you coming inbound through riverdale and cheverly headed into northeast. let me take you over to charles county. the accident activity occurred here -- not accident, i should say police activity tying up piney church road near billingsly road. it has been shut down for about an hour and a half now. make note of this. piney church remains closed each way at billingsly. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. a historic auction is set to take place in paris today. the famed marie antoinette's possessions will be awarded to the highest bidder. >> some of the item up fro grabs including a par of green silk shoes from the 1th century. that is neat. and royal family medallions
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too. she was killed back in 1793 after being charged with treason. that is some treasure there. >> green shoes. >> yeah. let's talk the redskins. the redskins with a huge test this weekend in new york versus the super bowl champs, the g- men. coming up next, dave ross will have a preview. >> plus, the most decorated team in baseball history up against the wall. can the new york yankees pull off a miracle? sports breakfast coming up. ike leggett: gaming generated one hundred and eighty... million dollars for maryland schools. question seven will double it. rushern baker: question seven will add table games and... a new casino, generating millions of dollars... every year, without raising taxes. leggett: and audits will ensure the money goes... where it's supposed to.
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more jobs, and millions for schools. baker: question seven will be good for our kids... our teachers, and our schools. leggett: keep maryland money in maryland. baker: please vote for question seven. leggett: vote for question seven.
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& if you like it, then you should have put a ring on it &&. >> beyonce will perform during half time. next year's super bowl. she released this picture wearing some special eye black. the game is set for february 3rd in new orleans. there is speculation that her husband, jay-z could make a surprise appearance. >> it is a surprise now that etch everybody knows about it. >> who knows? >> do they go anywhere without each other? >> did you see wisdom doing the little dance. >> i don't know whats that dance was. >> i have no idea what you're talking about. i don't we're hoping the redskins can do it in new york. >> maybe they can put a ring to. >> we're bringing up rookies
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this year like alfred morris and bob griffin. he had said before the season he is not rg iii because he hadn't done anything yet. that is too cool of a nickname for a rookie to have. he was calling him bob until rg iii has totally blown it up in the first weeks. he's like oh, no, he is rg iii. should be a very interesting game up there. it is almost a litmus test. we know the redskins are much better. but 3-3 is the same record they had at this point last year. it feels luke a better team. they beat the giants twice last year without bob griffin. we'll see if they can beat them with rg iii and alfred morris. baseball last night. no alex rodriguez. not sure if he was busy flirting or sitting on the bench. we'll talk about that next hour a bath its t looked bad for the
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yanks who were down 2--- it looked bad for the yanks who were down 2-0. the big springlikeout and the yanks are up against it, down 3-0. they had only lost three straight alcs games one other time in their remarkable history, 2004, ironically when the red sox came down from a 3-0 hole to beat the yanks in seven games. reminder of programming right here today on fox 5. it is game three, the giant against the cardinals. the venue now in st. louis. we talked about retaliation yesterday. we'll see if there is any today for that hard slide by matt holiday. soccer, know tucker barnes is going crazy for this in kansas city. the united states needing to beat guatemala to qualify in the world cup final round of the qualifier. sixth minute, they were down by one. we are all tied up at one now. in the 18th minute, watch this.
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this is eddy johnson. he will get to a sliding clint dempsey and go into the back of the net. the usa gets a win. they beat guatemala 3-1. they advance to the final round of the world cup qualifying stage. so soccer fans were hoping for big are and better next world cup around. u.s. is kind of a knock on the door lately. we are getting better. we'll see if this team can do something on that world cup stage as long as they qualify. in the end, next hour, we'll talk about the a-rod flirting story. >> what is up with this and the girls behind the dugout. >> this is during game one of the alcs when the yankees were losing. >> clearly, if he is not playing, it is not his fault that they're losing. >> ironically, he was playing that day and still found time. >> he is multitasking. he makes $25 million a year. he should able to do more than one thing. >> that is what men are calling
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it now. multitasking. >> all right. still have plenty ahead. time for our facebook fan of the day right now. today, we say hello to celeste johnson. >> what that is she has on? >> i hope that is not a cowboy -- >> that is a high school jersey. >> you are in trouble. >> celeste tells us she remembers waking up to walk fox 5 with her grandmother and mother when she was young and now that she has children of her own, she is keeping the tradition alive. don't be hard on her. she won't watch anymore. stay with us.
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